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The Eye Doctor’s

Specialized Clinic

We offer specialized eye care for these services.

Prosthetic (Artificial) Eye Clinic

At The Eye Doctor’s, our prosthetic clinic specializes in giving back confidence and cosmetic appeal to our patients after undergoing enucleation or evisceration of their eye. We bring back form to your collapsed eye sockets for better visual and cosmetic appeal.

Our team of experts is available to walk you through the process of getting an artificial eye fitted in.

Contact Lens Clinic

Contact lenses are thin plastic medical devices worn on the cornea in the eyes for therapeutic, medical or cosmetic reasons. They come in different types, permeability and colours.

Contact lenses are not meant to be purchased “over-the-counter”, neither online nor from a beauty store. You need proper guidance on the use and maintenance of your contact lenses, the absence of which could lead to complications including eye infections and possible loss of vision; hence it should be prescribed by a licensed practitioner.

Some reasons you should consider getting your contact lenses at The Eye Doctors:

  • You get a thorough diagnostic examination which determines your suitability as a good contact lenses candidate.
  • You can explore different colour options and contact lenses types.
  • We evaluate your personal hygiene practices to ensure proper care of your lenses. This controls infections and other problems.
  • You get lenses care solution with a case for your contact lenses.
  • Scheduled follow-up visits to ensure adherence and measure acceptability.

Paediatric clinic

Our paediatric eye clinic focuses on children’s eye care. Eye problems in children can sometimes be difficult to identify and children, most times, are unable to communicate symptoms appropriately to their parents or guardian.

We recommend regular eye checks by our trained optometrists and ophthalmologist to help care for your child’s eyes better.

We are children-friendly and have a children zone with some easy-to-solve puzzles for your child while they wait to be seen by the eye care practitioner.

Some points to remember while at the clinic for your little one.

  • Accessing a child’s eyes takes longer compared to the adults. Don’t be in a hurry!
  • The doctor might need to dilate the eyes of the child for better examination. Note that your child will experience blurriness for hours after the dilated test. Do not panic! 
  • Our doctors are patient to walk you through the process and are willing to answer all your questions to reassure your concerns.

    Do share your child’s eye care journey with us.
- Antonio Porchia

If you do not raise your eyes, you will think you are the highest point.

- Helen Keller

Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.

- Mark Twain

You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.

- John Milton

It is not miserable to be blind; it is miserable to be incapable of enduring blindness.

- Rumi

The moment I first heard love I gave up my soul, my heart, and my eyes.

The countenance is the portrait of the soul, and the eyes mark its intentions.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

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