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The Eye Doctor’s


Uveitis refers to inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye. It is classified into anterior, intermediate and posterior depending on which area is affected.  
Because uveitis occurs for many reasons, seeing a qualified eye specialist is important. If an eye injury or infection caused your uveitis, your treatment focuses on that particular condition. If a disease elsewhere in your body caused the uveitis, you may be able to control it by treating the underlying cause.

Symptoms of Uveitis

What Caused My Condition?

Treatment is generally with oral medication but vitrectomy surgery may be need in specific cases.

Book Your Appointment

We pride ourselves on delivering comprehensive eye care at standards obtainable at the best clinics and hospitals world-wide. We are a team of ophthalmologists, optometrists, opticians dedicated and courteous front office and administrative staff.

I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it.

Garrison Keillor

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